Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pacific Heights (1990)

EOC Week 7
The situation this couple found themselves in on Pacific Heights was a very sticky spot for them. Although it was very twisted what the tenant was trying to do in living on someone else’s property for free, the owner’s were also irresponsible in not taking consideration to begin with. They should have realized as property owner’s that to trust anyone’s word or outwardly appearances was just not enough evidence to support that person’s credit approval. I do believe the guy owner was a little byes’ in pretty much taking the guys word on paying his entire rent through a trusted bank account he supposedly had just by looking at the stacks of one hundred dollar bills in his wallet. Everyone needs to have a credit check no matter who you are and how much money you claim to have. That’s the only viable way to check out any possible renters as being responsible in paying their rent on time. Because he got mad and performed a “hostile act” toward his tenant, (by cutting off the electricity to try and get him out),the tenant now had justifiable cause to take the owners to court and eventually hold possession of the property without paying a dime! The renters then gave away their rights as property owners by a) not having the guy sign a lease of agreement stating exactly what was and was not allowed, and b) not taking any consideration (payment) to begin with stating that if the rest of the first and last month’s rent wasn’t paid at a given time, that person must leave the property. They could have then salvaged their own property and taken back control when the situation got worse. Also when calling the police about that worsened situation, they would have proof that what the tenant signed was binding and legal, and they could then hold that up in court if the situation had progressed to that level.

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